Saturday, 2 August 2014

Leap of Faith

Hello Sweetie,

So today was a big day for Mummy and Daddy, today was the day we started our challenges to raise money for SANDS and Children are Butterflies in your name. The first challenge was a heights, Mummy is very scared of heights!!!

Daddy and I decided to go to Wickstead Park with Auntie Heather to do the "Leap of Faith" jump, once we were there though we decided that the zip wire looked far more challenging and got ourselves kitted up for that. We all put our harnesses and sexy helmets on (we all looked very stylish) and waited to go up the tower. The longer we waited the more nervous Mummy got but I had to think about why we were doing this, we were doing it for you!

Finally, after what seemed like hours, it was our turn. Daddy and Auntie Heather were set up on their zip wires first, they didn't even flinch, all the while Mummy was FREAKING OUT! It was really high up there and once on the platform you had to climb up onto a set of steps with nothing to hold on to... "I can't do this!" Mummy thought. Then Mummy was being called out to get set up. I took a deep breath, walked out onto the platform and stepped up onto the blocks.

"Are you nervous?"

"Ergh... Petrified!" Mummy was starting to feel a little sick and doubts were starting to take over, then I thought of you and I started to calm down. The man that had secured Mummy onto the wire said Mummy should go off backwards if she was worried and that he would help me push off if I needed it. He told me to lean back, did a countdown, 3, 2, 1! "Come on Sarah, just lift your legs up and go!" Mummy told herself a few seconds later I was off! I flew down the wire, leaving Daddy and Auntie Heather on the platform, I was winning!! I started to spin around and around as I went, I could see Daddy and Heather coming up behind me all smiles. Mummy looked at where she had come from and felt very proud for having taken that leap. I hope I made you proud too, that is all I ever want is for you to think "Yeah! That's my Mumma!" Please say you did!

When Mummy and Auntie Heather came off the ride both of our legs were like jelly, we really struggled to get out of the harnesses. After we had taken off all the kit we went to get something to eat and Mummy and well deserved glass of wine. Whilst having some food Mummy realised that she hadn't cried all day, the first time since we lost you and today instead of feeling guilty, I felt good, I knew it was you that was giving me strength today, thank you beautiful, thank you! We finished our lunch and went a had a go on the log flume and the roller coaster and then made our way back home, we all had a fun day!

At home, Mummy wrote about her achievement and set up the blog and fundraising page ready for the next challenge, which is going to be Scuba Diving. I hope everyone gets behind us and we are able to raise loads of money for our charities, it really does mean so much to us. Maybe you should whisper in some peoples ears ;-).

Anyway, it has been a busy day and I am sure you are shattered after all the action!

We love you so much, we will keep trying to stay positive for you! I wish, I wish, I wish I could hold you again, it is so painful without you!

Night night Squidy

Love eternal

Mummy and Daddy


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