Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Plot Number 28

Hello Beautiful,

Today was another hard day for Mummy and Daddy, we had to go to the burial ground to pick out your plot. It was heart wrenching, how do we choose somewhere to bury you? It is unnatural, we didn't sign up for you dying!

We got to the site and took a walk around with a lady from the burial ground, she told us about the trees we could choose and let us know that when they are ready to be planted in November that we can come back and help. She showed us the available plots and we ended up choosing one that was a slightly different shape to all the other plots, it was more triangular, we thought you wouldn't get so lost there. The plot is next to a couple of older couples, we thought they might be able to look after you until we meet again, we hope you like it there.

We also chose a plaque for you, it is heart shaped and we have asked for the following to be engraved onto it:

Ophelia Lily Hancon


Our diamond in the sky

We have also asked if they can add a small star to it too. Hopefully that will be ready soon, we think you will love it.

After Mummy and Daddy left we didn't want to go back home, home is our sanctuary but it also hard to be there sometimes as it has so many memories, good and bad and being cooped up there can make Mummy and Daddy feel sadder. We though we could go to the cinema, take our minds off everything that is going on and just sit there. We decided to go an watch Planet of the Apes, we thought it would be a safe bet but WHAM, around 10 minutes in a Ape gives birth! Newborn ape babies, not even real ones, are just as upsetting as newborn human baby it seems! Babies are EVERYWHERE, they just aren't here, at home with us, like you should be.

The film was pretty good though and for the most part did the trick, it gave us a couple of hours off from our pain. We got home, were greeted by an extremely excitable Marley, it was like we hadn't seen her for a week! That is one of Mummy and Daddy's favourite things about Marlon Brando (her nickname courtesy of Auntie Heather), she is always so happy to see us, even if we just leave the room for two minutes. She would have upped her excitement levels for you I am sure, she would have lost her tiny little mind over you.

Most of the evening just went by in a haze, Mummy doesn't remember much other than she has found a new website called "Glow in the Woods", it is for Mummy's and Daddy's just like us. Mummy posted a new thread asking for some support and we have had some lovely responses so far, it is nice to feel like we have a place to go. Hopefully those places will keep growing too after the SANDS meeting next Wednesday.

Mummy has a doctors appointment tomorrow and Caroline is coming round too so Mummy had better try and get some sleep, she knows she probably will not get any on Tuesday night...

I wish this wasn't happening, I wish I could change things, I wish, I wish, I wish.

Love you squidgy!

Kiss Kiss Kiss

Mummy and Daddy


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